Oh my.....

This has been an interesting Christmas so far. All of us have been sick this holiday season. I was very slow getting all I wanted to get done...done....but I trudged ahead. Luckily, I had a lovely little first night of Chanukah party last Sunday night. We had latkes and Brisket and presents and fun!

This week the plan was for my Mom and my 97 y/o Auntie and some friends to come again for Christmas dinner on Thursday. Well, my Mom got really sick early in the week and the others also had to cancel and then Christmas day was going to just be the four of us. This sounded pretty good at the outset...we even thought of staying in our PJs all day...waking up when we pleased...having a nice brunch...and then dinner whenever we wanted to. Well...it did not work out that way.
My husband was not feeling well on Christmas Eve...we had a lovely dinner of Cheese fondue. I just did not get any pics...it was delightful and relaxing. Then Christmas morning he was still not feeling well...we all got up and opened some gifts and then to make a long story short...got dressed like a flash, and all piled into the car to take my husband to the emergency room at the hospital. We were there from 12:00PM until about 11:00PM...the kids stayed with me for about 5 hours and then I sent them home. They got take out from the Chinese restaurant and were here alone waiting to hear from us. Thankfully my husband is ok now, we think...but it was interesting that Christmas day , all four of us in that little room in the ER...my husband in a lot of pain and us not knowing what was going on and worrying. The kids especially.
It puts a lot into perspective...about what is really important. I was having a big problem this year especially with all of the needless consumption of the holiday season. Especially this year...we all just have so much "stuff"...how much more do we really need...I have always known what is really important. And this Christmas day I knew that everything important to me was in that room at the hospital.

On a lighter note...we got to have our Christmas dinner on the 26th, boxing day!
I will post some pics and recipes of that dinner later on!
It was good to have everyone together at home again!

Hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas!

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