4th of July Tiny Berry Pies...

If you look at my past few posts it would seem that all we do here is eat pie. Life has been busy and full. My boys are both working and my husband is flying back to Brussels as I type this...
On the 4th we had Porterhouse steaks on the grill, tomato salad, grilled potatoes...no time to take pics of those.
But we did have tiny individual Blueberry/Blackberry pies baked in small 5 inch pie plates. What fun they were!

Delicious too...
I baked a larger version on my husbands birthday...Flag Day. We liked the tiny pies even better.

The recipe is in the July issue of Martha Stewart Living. The same one I made previously...but the Pate Brisee recipe is made twice...do not double. These were a labor of love...turning on the oven on one of the hottest days of the year? Yeah...I know...crazy! But I had fun.

I wish you all beautiful warm summer days....berry juice dripping down your chins...and lots of love. Summer is here and gone before you know it.

The source for the 5 inch pie tins is:
Ultimate Baker.com they are out of Washington State. I spoke to a wonderful gentleman named Doug, who was very friendly and helpful as they were bombarded with orders for these little pans. They offered a discount if you spent a certain amount and of course i found some other things to buy!
This is the url for the pans: 5 inch pie pan set of 4

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