Thai Shrimp Fried Rice with Pineapple

 I seem to have been on a roll here with the Thai style recipes lately. I really like this cook book a lot. The recipes are very easy and adaptable to the normal pantry and supermarket. I made some extra Jasmine rice when I made the grilled chicken because we wanted to try this fried rice. It was very nice. My son had it for dinner last night before he left for work. He was very happy! My kids are both working and they are working different schedules this summer. So we are not able to sit down together as a family for dinner as we usually do. Easy and quick things like this dish have been a lifesaver. Even if I am not eating when they are, I can sit down at table with them and talk about their day or night for that matter and have some peaceful time together. I cherish these moments with both of them. My oldest will be going back to University before you know it and then my youngest will be starting his final year of high school and the college search will begin. My husband will be back on Saturday and we will all be taking a short vacation together to relax, go to the beach, and just be together. Then the summer will be quickly coming to an end....time flies by so quickly. 
I remember when summers seemed to last forever....

Shrimp Fried Rice with Pineapple
adapted from Quick and Easy Thai
Nancie McDermott

4 cups cooked Jasmine rice, preferably chilled
2 T. Vegetable oil
1 T. coarsely chopped garlic
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 pound medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 T. fish sauce
1/2 t. sugar
1 can(8 ounces crushed pineapple undrained, or 1 cup finely chopped fresh pineapple( I used fresh and did not chop it all that finely)
2 T. thinly sliced green onions

Prepare rice by crumbling it with your fingers, breaking up the bigger lumps, and set aside in a bowl.

Heat a wok or a large, deep skillet over high heat. Add the oil, and when a bit of garlic sizzles at once, add the garlic and onion and toss well until shiny and fragrant, about 1 minute. Add the shrimp and cook ,tossing now and then, until the onion begins to wilt and the shrimp are pink and cooked through, about 2 to 3 minutes.

Add the rice, fish sauce, and sugar and toss well. Add the pineapple and green onions and cook about 2 minutes more, tossing often, until the rice is tender and heated through. Mound the rice on a serving platter and serve hot or warm.

*I served this with sliced Persian cucumbers and a wedge of lime, which we squeezed on the cucumbers. I showered the rice with a few cilantro leaves...this was an easy and quick meal. I only had large shrimp in the freezer so I cut them in half. 

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