French Fridays with Dorie... Quatre-Quarts....a little late

With all the best intentions in the world I baked this cake last time to post for French Fridays with Dorie. But the pictures never got to the computer until today. This happened...that excuses, it just is what it is. Nevertheless....we loved this very French version of a pound cake. It is nothing at all like a heavy American pound was lighter...very flavorful as I used one teaspoon of vanilla and two teaspoon of dark rum to flavor it. I macerated some fresh blackberries with just a touch of sugar and a little bit of dark rum. We had them with the cake and a tiny bit of vanilla ice cream on the side.
It has been a long while since I mixed up a cake by hand, and while this is a very simple cake to bake, the batter was very thick and I got my exercise for the afternoon beating the sugar and egg yolks together. I think next time I will just use a good old wooden spoon because I had a little trouble with the batter getting caught in the tines of my whisk, it was too delicious to waste even one tiny matter. It was worth the effort. Once the melted butter was mixed in everything loosened up and I was able to fold in the beaten egg whites without a hitch...
Sometimes it is the simplest things in life that are the best...this cake is one of those. It is a very European plain cake. We love things like that...the sprinkle of brown sugar over top of the cake...something novel from the cake just a lovely little caramelized crunch with each bite.

My husband enjoyed a slice or two every day until it was gone. I must say it stayed fresh until the very last piece was devoured. Such a versatile little cake it was...
 I know I will be making this again and with just about every other recipe I have made from Dorie Greenspan's Around my French Table. If you do not own this book really need to. The recipe can be found on page 433...
As with all the other recipes for French Fridays with Dorie we were asked not to post the recipe...I do hope you will all buy the book.

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