For Lola...

I have a little friend who lives across the sea in England. Her name is Lola. She is 5 years old. She is doing a project in school, learning about food. I know her Mom, a fellow foodie, from a food message board I belong to. Lola wrote me a letter and asked me to tell her about our food...I thought long and hard about this. Our food here in the US is not much different from the food in England. I guess we eat what we were raised eating and different food from all over the world as well as different regions of the United States.

Some recipes were handed down through our family. I tried to think of what my children who are pretty grown up now, loved when they were Lola's age...and what they still love. The Matzo Ball Soup you see above is one thing they love. Especially if they are not feeling well. It is what we call comfort food. This is a Jewish style chicken soup and it is made by me, pretty much the same way my Grandmother and my Mom made it. My Grandparents came to this country in the early 1900's from Poland and Russia. Maybe one day you might try making this soup with your Mom , is a link to the recipe.
Jewish Matzo Ball Soup
Another thing my kids love to eat is Mexican food. This is a Carnitas Taco with Pico de Gallo or also known Salsa Cruda and some Guacamole.  Carnitas are little pieces of pork. My husband's family came from Mexico, so we enjoy eating foods from his family background as well. We even made the tortillas together from kids still like cooking with me when they are home.

Another thing they really love are Chocolate Chip Cookies...I must admit I love them too.
This is their favorite recipe and it comes from the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company in San Francisco. My kids were born in San Francisco. Maybe one day you and your Mom might bake these cookies together.
Ghirardelli Chocolate Chip Cookies
Yield: 4 dozen cookies
  • 11 1/2 ounce(s) Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips or chunks
  • 1 cup(s) butter , softened
  • 3/4 cup(s) sugar
  • 3/4 cup(s) brown sugar, packed
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
  • 2 1/4 cup(s) unsifted flour
  • 1 teaspoon(s) baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
  • 1 cup(s) walnuts or pecans, chopped (optional)
Heat oven to 375ºF.
Stir flour with baking soda and salt; set aside. In large mixing bowl, beat butter with sugar and brown sugar at medium speed until creamy and lightened in color. Add eggs and vanilla, one at a time. Mix on low speed until incorporated. Gradually blend dry mixture into creamed mixture. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips. Drop by tablespoon onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 9 to 11 minutes or until golden brown.

Note: The 11 1/2 ounces of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips can be substituted with any variety of chip flavor (i.e.- Milk Chocolate Chips, 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Chips, etc.)

They also love these tiny berry pies I made for them one July 4th which is our American Independence Day and a holiday when everyone has picnics and BBQ and goes to see fireworks...

Some people love to eat fried chicken on this holiday...lots of people like to eat fried chicken any time. I do not make it often but my kids love it! This is a picture of some fried chicken, cole slaw and a buttermilk biscuit.

 This is something I make often and the recipe comes from someone in England...Nigella Lawson. Fairycakes better known here as cupcakes. My kids love these too....
Lola sent me this beautiful picture with her letter. She also asked me if I speak any other languages. I speak some German and some Yiddish which is a Jewish language, much like German. I also speak some Hebrew.
Lola has beautiful handwriting, she is only 5!  I think she is pretty amazing...
 I think that life here is not so very different from where you live. I hope this helped you see some food from America....I send you a big hug from New Jersey!

Friends...if you leave a comment, perhaps you can also say what foods are your favorites from wherever you live. Lola is going to see this blog post and hopefully her teacher and her whole class will as well. Thanks so much...

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